D is for … Dulce de Leche Espresso Brownies

D is for ... Dulce de Leche Espresso Brownies - Candy Coated Culinista

D is for … Dulce de Leche Espresso Brownies – Candy Coated Culinista

I had a tin of Dulce de Leche around, begging me to be used and I had a thought to make a batch of from scratch brownies and use this; then I saw my instant espresso and it just all came together nicely.

Yield/Serving: 12
Prep Time: 25 min.
Cook Time: 30-35 min.
Difficulty level is: Easy

• 8 tbsp (1 stick) of unsalted butter
• 170g (6oz) bittersweet or semi sweet chocolate, finely chopped
• ¼ cup cocoa powder
• 3 large eggs
• 1 cup granulated sugar
• 1 tsp vanilla extract
• 1 cup flour
• 1 cup toasted walnuts, optional
• 1 cup Dulce de Leche
• 3 tbsp instant coffee or espresso powder

1. Pre-heat oven to 350°F.
2. Spray an 8” x 8” baking dish with cooking spray.
3. Line the dish with parchment paper and let excess overhang the sides.
4. Using a medium size saucepan over low heat, melt the butter and then add the chocolate stirring constantly until the chocolate has melted.
5. Remove from the heat and whisk in the cocoa powder and then add in the eggs one at a time.
6. Stir in the sugar, vanilla and then flour and finally walnuts if desired.
7. Pour half this mixture into the pan.
8. Drop one third of the Dulce de Leche evenly spaced throughout the pan and swirl it using a butter knife then add more Dulce de Leche. Use a knife and swirl slightly.
9. Bake for 30-35 minutes or until a cake tester comes out clean.
10. Let cool completely.

• The brownie taste better on the second day if they last that long.
• Serve with a nice glass of milk or a dollop of vanilla ice cream.

Please Enjoy

My thoughts
Recently I have not been in the mood to pull out my electric mixer to use on every recipe as it just adds so much extra time and things to clean. I thought about making this in a saucepan and it turned out great, just make sure there is no raw flour when the mixture is poured into the prepared pan and it will turn out amazing. For a non-chocolate lover these tasted great, with the Dulce de Leche incorporated into the brownie and I enjoyed it. It was dense, ooey & gooey and lasted 4-5 days and still tasted great. Reviews from my taste-testers was it tasted great and they could taste something extra, but really couldn’t place what it was, it was the hint of espresso. I may add more next try to perfect this recipe.

Fruity & Nutty Milk Chocolate Bark

Paleo Fruity Nutty Chocolate Bark - Candy Coated Culinista

Paleo Fruity Nutty Chocolate Bark – Candy Coated Culinista

Prep Time: 15 min.
Set Time: 30 min
Difficulty level is: Easy

• 1 ½ cups milk chocolate
• ¼ cup shredded coconut
• ¼ cup mini white chocolate chips
• ¼ cup almonds
• ¼ cup dark chocolate bits
• ¼ cup walnuts
• ¼ cup cranberries
• ¼ cup goji berries

1. Line a baking sheet with a silpat or non-stick silicone sheet.
2. Rough chop all the chocolate and put into a microwave safe bowl.
3. Heat in thirty second intervals until all the chocolate has melted.
4. Pour chocolate onto the silpat and spread evenly with a spatula.
5. Tap the pan on the counter to remove any air bubbles.
6. Sprinkle the nuts, dried fruits onto the chocolate and tap the pan once again on the counter.
7. Let the chocolate set in the fridge for thirty minutes.
8. Break the chocolate bark into pieces.
9. Serve

• Set the chocolate in the fridge or freezer. I left the chocolate out to set in the kitchen and it just wouldn’t set for me until I chilled it.

Please Enjoy

My thoughts
Even though I am not a fan of chocolate and then incorporating fruits and nuts into said chocolate seems like a horrible idea to me. This was quite tasty and no two bites were the same which added a nice dimension to the bark. It also feels healthier than having a regular chocolate bar.

B.K.T. (Bacon Kale & Tomato) Salad

B.K.T. (Bacon Kale & Tomato) Salad - Candy Coated Culinista

B.K.T. (Bacon Kale & Tomato) Salad – Candy Coated Culinista

This robust and flavourful salad is a tasty salad that I like to enjoy after those indulgent weekends.

Inspired from Salad Samurai

Yield/Serving: 2
Prep Time: 30 min.
Difficulty level is: Easy

• 5 slices bacon ( bacon)
• 1 bunch Kale
• 1 sprig green onion
• Generous handful of spinach
• Handful of grape tomatoes, halved
• 2 carrots, shredded
• ½ English cucumber, large dice
• Handful of Cranberries
• Handful of Walnuts
• 4 tsp apple cider vinegar
• 1 tbsp olive oil
• 1 tbsp pure maple syrup
• 1 tbsp Dijon mustard
• Black pepper to taste

1. Using a large frying pan, fry bacon until cooked.
2. Drain bacon on a paper towel and cut into pieces.
3. Strip the kale leaves and tear and dry and place in a large bowl.
4. Add in the spinach, tomato, carrots, cucumber, cranberries and walnuts in and mix.
5. In a medium size bowl vigorously whisk the dressing ingredients until emulsified.
6. Pour over salad and mix until coated.

• Substitute bacon with soy, tempeh or tofu bacon.

Please Enjoy

My thoughts
I love a good salad and this one is at the top of my list. Kale is a little on the chewy side, but I still enjoyed the flavour profile. Sweet, salty and contrasting textures and flavours. For once I was trying to find a bacon substitute and surprisingly I couldn’t find Tempeh, I don’t even know what it is really, so I added what I know and love bacon.